

I was sitting at a hair salon today getting an awful haircut (more on that later, I'm still nursing a migraine from the hairspray), and I was completely astonished by the overindulgence in this fucking suburb. To start off, everyone here is rich. My professors come to school on the Metra, while the students come in their BMWs. I don't get it. At all. Serving them is one hell of a mindfuck.. Anyway, as I'm sitting in my chair, the little girl next to me is getting EXTENSIONS put in. This kid could not have been more than 11 years old... and she was getting bleach blonde extensions. And as the hair stylist was talking to her, the girl mentioned her 5 American girl dolls. FIVE! One of those could feed a family of four for a good couple months. And the kid needs 5? I don't understand a community like this that can just throw money at everyone. It's a little jarring, especially when my parents are calling me every few days to say that we might lose the house. Arg.. now I need to find a way to fix this fucking Mrs. Brady haircut


i am a cognitive pariah

The new term has started. I hate first days. Going through the syllabus already dreading the assignments, not really talking to any of my classmates, and wondering if I'll get away with not participating... I'm already dreading my cognitive psychology class. It's supposed to be the most difficult class in the psychology department, but that's not what bothers me. It's the fact that I've become some sort of pariah.

No matter what I say in this class, I'm either ignored or thrown filthy looks. After an hour of this nonsense I went to the toilet to examine myself. Didn't smell. Nothing stuck to my face. Hair not terribly disheveled. wtf. There's literally almost nothing my classmates could judge me on. I'd never even seen most of them on campus. Yet I'm avoided like the plague.

Maybe I'll take advantage of this nonsensical prejudice and finally just speak my mind in a classroom. Rather than sitting in the back making snide comments to no one in particular, I'll speak up. What have I got to lose?