
wishful thinking

#420 Someone who will take a hundred photo booth pictures with me.




I wonder if I should just pretend I'm Christian. I'm tired of people trying to get Jesus in my life. I've got enough bullshit here, thankyouverymuch. One of my regulars claims that my family's financial troubles have been fixed because she's been praying for us... and also the reason she got a table for a wicked deal... I feel that were there some sort of all knowing deity, he/she/it would hardly be concerned with prayers about furniture, but maybe I'm just a cynic.

Also, a rather conservative customer was upset by liberal statements I made on my personal facebook, and now runs out of the store whenever he sees me. He asked my coworkers for my schedule, and thus far in a remarkable show of solidarity, they've only showed him where to stick it. Someone really needs to man up. It's not as if I'm allowed to throttle customers for bashing me on my facebook for not being a neo-conservative in an affleunt neighborhood. Frankly, I was just annoyed enough to remove the offending comments and delete him as a "friend," not that I ever really considered him one (I've never been a fan of people who insist I remember their drink order... frankly I've got more interesting things to think about). I really don't see why it's gone this far.